Kent Ramblers

The Royal Military Canal

This article from the September 1994 issue of Kent Area News reported the Ramblers' continuing contribution to the completion of the path along the Royal Military Canal.

The Royal Military Canal

The project to create a continuous path along the Royal Military Canal gained momentum this summer with a presentation to the media.

On 21st July, KCC organized a meeting at Rye to which representatives from tourism interests, local organisations and authorities, and the press were invited Presentations were made by members of the Steering Group covering the history of the Canal, its potential for quiet recreation and plans to dramatically improve public access. £150,000 is now committed to the project, with planning and design work well advanced. Upgrading of stiles and improved waymarking is already under way.

Members will be interested to have their first sight of the new logo that appears at the head of this article. Unfortunately, we cannot pnnt it in colour, but it depicts the 'stepped' design of the Canal for defence purposes that is in blue, with the characteristic reeds being shown in white and green against a green background.

Progress with the creation of a continuous right of way is encouraging. The permissive path over National Trust land is shortly to be dedicated as an official right of way by the Trust. . KCC are now in negotiations with the landowners in the middle 7 mile section over which there are presently no public rights of way, but for which the RA has been campaigning for many years. We have agreed to certain sections of the path being routed along the south bank rather than the north to minimise difficulties, but only where there is no loss of amenity. Doubtless some objections will result in Public Inquiries, but we hope these will be limited.  We anticipate that the project will be complete by the end of 1996.

A Soldier from Napoleonic Times Keeps Guard over the Canal

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